Sharayu Software Private Limited Apps

Online Shopping from Nearby Sh 0.12.0
Place orders for nearby shops. Buy from neighbourhood shops fromyour mobile.
Easy Invoice Maker 0.183.0
Bluetooth thermal Printer, Invoice Maker, Estimate, Wifi Print, GST
Invoice Maker and Billing App 0.218.0
Billing Software | Estimates | Thermal Printer | Get Orders Online
CoWIN Vaccine Availibility Search 1.4
Search for vaccine centres and availability near you. Getnotifiedwhen there's availability. Filter results according to yourneeds.Filter by age group 18+ or 45+ Filter by vaccine type -Covaxin orCovishield or Any. Please note that we do not have anygovernmentaffiliation. We are using APIs published for public useby DigitalIndia under apisetu website.